Spite has been a solo project of an entity who goes by Salpsan, and although this foray my be shrouded in an aura of mystery his other projects such as Impure and Horns & Hooves may be a bit more... open and less reserved, if anything. Now for a second full-length we go back to vast ancient Middle Eastern desertscapes where idols were worshipped and ritual sacrifices were everyday ordinary behavior, long before ammunition and materiel became a party of everyday life and a monotheistic melting pot boiled completely over.
Once the billowing smoke has cleared, we begin with "The Blackened Talmudist", a slow buildup to start that leads into galloping hooves and damning vitriol from a book that has spawned aeons of chaos. As much as acrimonious, "Unblessed" keeps the pace more to a middle ground and the incantations remain just as sharp and vilified. "Yahweh's Vengeance" is something we have been conditioned to fear from the cradle to the grave and with good reason as Salpsan spews it forth on their behalf ever so slowly, thundering bass married to pounding skins of sone cloven-hoofed beast serving as drum battery. For as much of a polarizing figure as he was "Hounds of Herod" howl with Salpsan's vocals distorted at first, perhaps from guzzling the blood of his subjects, then delivering intense razor-sharp riffs with enough precision to cause a sandstorm to envelope the skies above Rub' al Khali. As the lengthiest track here "Where Dust Cannot Fall" is an exercise in both melancholy and aggression, cymbals stokes and bass thumps and wild strings leading the heretical sect to their duties. Finally the title track swirls and spins into a psychedelic frenzy and vocals howl in apocalyptic fury unveiling the creations of hidden nightmares as The Most High is given his due diligence, but that whatever is being demand at the moment.
The temples of the tyrants have been razed and the enslaved have been trampled underfoot as once again Spite's homage to the mystical belief systems that would later spawn the religion that would bring mankind's ruin is commensurate, the sardonic wrath holy ones culminating in their grim laughter and just how pathetic we have become and always have been. My we eteranlly suffer with spite, ideed!